Level 7 Resources
PDF Capture of L7 Website
A PDF of all of level-7.org (with Table of Contents and navigation links), as of December, 2018: Level 7 Overview (note: 13.7 Mbytes — I recommend downloading this rather than opening it in a web browser…)
Essay Summary of This Website?
“Articles of Transformation for a Level 7 Political Economy.” An overview of the Level 7 proposals and central concepts covered on this website. Originally written in October of 2016 for submission to an essay competition, with minor updates and corrections since (last updated 6/13/2017). Roughly 15K words.
Real-World Test Cases of L7 Components
Worker-Owned Cooperatives: see Worker Cooperatives; “Worker Cooperatives More Productive that Normal Companies”
Semi-Direct Democracy: Switzerland
Common Pool Resource Management: Elinor Ostrom’s examples in Switzerland, Japan, Spain, the Philippines (see ”The Solution to the Tragedy of the Commons”)
Diffused Self-Governance: Municipalism (see also Rojava and municipalism in Spain); historical anarchist experiments in Spain, Korea, Bulgaria, Ukraine, etc. (see Mass Societies)
The Precautionary Principle: “Use and Abuse of the Precautionary Principle;” FAQ (with examples of application)
Examples of Left-Anarchist/Libertarian Communities & Mass Societies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_anarchist_communities
Theoretical Exploration of L7 Components
Encouraging Moral Development: see “Fostering Goodness & Caring;” “Two Perspectives: On Self, Relationships & Morality;” The Moral Development Map; and Integral Lifework Developmental Correlations
Conceptions of the Commons: see The Evolution of Capital; Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto (also available in paperback here)
Other Websites & Online Resources
The P2P Foundation
Electoral Integrity Project
198 Methods of Nonviolent Action (Aeinstein.org)
An Anarchist FAQ
The Anarchist Archives
List of Constructive Organizations (that resonate with the Level 7 framework and objectives)
Integral Lifework (multidimensional nourishment)
by T.Collins Logan
True Love: Integral Lifework Theory & Practice - Read Online, DjVu download, or Purchase
Political Economy and the Unitive Principle - Read Online, DjVu download, or Purchase
Being Well: Beginning the Journey of Integral Lifework - Read Online or Purchase
Works that assist with Level 7 proposals
The Economics of Feasible Socialism Revisited, Alec Nove, 1992, ISBN-13: 978-0044460152
The Democratic Worker-Owned Firm, David Ellerman, 1997 (out of print - PDF available here, original MS Word file at http://www.ellerman.org/Davids-Stuff/Books/demofirm.doc)
After Capitalism (New Critical Theory), David Schweickart, 2011, ISBN 978-0742564985
Europe's Promise: Why the European Way Is the Best Hope in an Insecure Age, Steven Hill, 2010, ISBN 978-0520261372
The ABCs of Political Economy, Robin Hahnel, 2004, ISBN 978-0691003849
Building Sustainable Communities: Tools and Concepts for Self-Reliant Economic Change, C. George Benello, Shann Turnbull & Ward Morehouse, 1997, ISBN 978-0942850369
Building Powerful Community Organizations, Michael Jacoby Brown, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0977151806
Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism, Richard D. Wolff, 2012, ISBN 978-1608462476
The Cooperative Workplace: Potentials and Dilemmas of Organizational Democracy and Participation, Joyce Rothschild & Allen Whitt, 1989, ISBN 978-0521379427
Putting Democracy to Work: A Practical Guide for Starting Worker-Owned Businesses, Frank T Adams, Gene Taback & Gary B Hansen, 1993, ISBN 978-1881052098
For All the People: Uncovering the Hidden History of Cooperation, Cooperative Movements, and Communalism in America, John Curl, 2012, ISBN 978-1604865820
What Then Must We Do?, Gar Alperovitz, 2013, ISBN 978-1603585040
Living as Form: Socially Engaged Art from 1991-2011, Nato Thompson (Editor), 2012, ISBN 978-0262017343
Women's Education in Developing Countries, 1993, Elizabeth M. King & M. Anne Hill, ISBN 9780801845345
Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism
Peter Marshall, 2010, ISBN
by T.Collins Logan
The S.A.P. Hypothesis: Restoring Prosocial Society
How Socialist Contributions to Civil Society Saved Capitalism from Itself
Private Property As Violence
Reframing Profit
Escaping the Failures of Capitalism
The Goldilocks Zone of Integral Liberty
Managing Complexity with Constructive Integralism
Growing Beyond an Egocentric Worldview
Functional Intelligence
The Stupefaction of Human Experience
Integral Communication
Other essays . . . .
Blurts & Spasms Blog (can use search facility to find relevant posts)
Blurts & Spasms Podcasts (must browse for relevant posts)